royal cross cut shredder
Royal Machines RL170MX 17-Sheet Heavy Duty Cross-Cut Shredder with Auto Start/Stop and Auto Reverse 29172A
Price: $ 199.99 / $ 100.00
Royal Machines RL170MX 17-Sheet Heavy Duty Cross-Cut Shredder with Auto Start/Stop and Auto Reverse 29172A5/32″ x 1 1/2″ shredsShreds CD’s, DVD’s, and Credit CardsFull Consolewith Casters and 26 Liter WastebasketAuto Start/Stop and Auto Reverse 3 comments - What do you think? --> 3 Responses to “”
Royal Crosscut Shredder RL170MX, 29172A . . . 170MX, August 26, 2009By J. Casas “jcasas” (Texas, USA) –
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?) This review is from: Royal Machines RL170MX 17-Sheet Heavy Duty Cross-Cut Shredder with Auto Start/Stop and Auto Reverse (Office Product)
This is a very good machine; especially, if you are able to get it for under $130.00.
Wish List:
1. Turn off the lights after after 30 minutes of inactivity.
2. Have the LED lights up the whole center display, when lit.
3. Four all-around-type of casters (with locks like the two being used), instead of the two all-around-type casters and the two big wheels.
4. The shredding is not exactly confetti size. It is cross-cut into pieces approximately 1 ½” in length by ¼” in width. I would prefer if the length were under ½”.
Additional Information:
5. Machine weighs less than 30 lbs, not the 40+ noted in the description.
6. Shipping weight nears 42 lbs; I believe the information noted in description is reversed.
7. I could not find this machine in Royal’s website; it may be new and has not been entered.
Bad design:
8. Grab handle is a dangerous when attempting to roll the shredder by this incorporated handle. This may cause you (the user) to breaker your a finger. Solution: Do not use the handle to move the machine; move it using both hands and not the handle.
9. The Forward and the Backward arrows on the activation buttons seem to be in the wrong direction. These would be applicable if the feeding was to be done downward and extraction was to be done upward. But it is not, it is feed towards the back and extracted towards the front; therefore, it activation keys should be reversed.
All in all, it is a very good shredder; I only gave it four-stars because of the Wish List. Hopefully, Royal will listen to the above comments and incorporate them into this product.
Final words on this product, I would recommend to buy the 16 or 15 page Royal Shredder on four caster wheels as they have a much better design. These have side handles and are easier to move around. If Royal eventually makes a 17 or 18 sheet shredder based on the four casters and side handles design as the 160MX and 150MX, then that is the way to go, but not the RL170MX with the two caster wheels and two side wheels.